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Joined BF4DB: Feb 22, 2019
Last Online: 5 years ago


BAN APPEAL 5 years ago

Soldier Name: InJailUMyyHo  Yes i know it's inappropriate but i don't think it's against the rules lol

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Appeal: I am not a cheater, my recent high kill games were pretty much just luck (I did very good those games and it was fun but i normally don't do that good), the HSKR On my PP-2000 is that high because i only aim for the head, i do not have a high accuracy at all, it's very low because many of my shots miss due to me never aiming for the body.

I have also played this game a lot on other accounts, the battle reports from 1 year ago were from me testing my graphics, turned out my gpu was not good enough, but i recently got a new gpu so i have returned to the game and i am of course better at it with 200fps than with 20fps which is what i was getting with my old gpu.

In the report that was made on me the person that recorded it kept rushing me so i started pre-firing when ever i heard foot steps, those were 2 edited clips out of many kills i got on him which means he is intentionally trying to make it look like i am cheating by picking the 2 most suspicious clips from the entire match.

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