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Joined BF4DB: Mar 20, 2018
Last Online: 6 years ago


Ban Appeal <3 6 years ago

Hello BF4DB moderators  

it seems like a week ago someone posted a pic of my GGC-stream ban ( https://bf4db.com/player/ban/856653055 ) i admit that a year ago i got banned by GGC but after that i havent used any single third party tools (cuz ive learnt the lesson ofcourse) but my point now that its a 1 year old ban !! u can check all my battlereports over the past year and u can check my stats then u can realize that i dont have any single suspicious thing on me i am just mainly Pro pilot all time 
 And now I am owner and Admin of 3 servers that use BF4DB plugin and a BF4 platoon of 200 members and this BF4DB ban is giving me a really bad reputation infront of my platoon members 

i kindly ask you to lift this ban since there is not a single proof that i am cheating in anyway except a 1 year old GGCban 

if you deny this request i will understand your decision since i make choices on my servers as well 

battlelog acc : http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/user/II-Sky-II/
BF4DB profile : https://bf4db.com/player/856653055 

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