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Joined BF4DB: Jan 2, 2019
Last Online: 5 years ago


Ban Appeal 5 years ago

BF4DB Profile: 



Suspicious stats 


I was playing Operation Locker on TGBClan server and was using a m249 laying down laying way for my team to get through. I then get an admin of the server talking to me saying that im being unfair although there were more i was the main person shooting. I then go ahead to stop and just toss ammo boxes after the admins ask until he says that i have been banned on bf4db, That is when i then tab out and look on this site and sure enough i have found that my account was on here for suspicious stats. I didn't really understand at first how it could happen but that is what brought me here. I have done boosting before to level up on servers hence the high SPM and headshots but i never thought it would affect my gameplay outside of that server i did it in. i found it harmless in the beginning to level up my stuff and attachments like that but i was wrong. I was curious if we could resolve this in one way or another. It has really affected me in BF4 because i no longer can play on my favorite servers. Is there any way to reset my stats to where they'll be based off my playing instead of boosted stats or is it impossible? I'd love to resolve this issue and hopefully get back to playing again, I appreciate your time in reading this and hope to hear back soon. Thank you very much.

Additional Information:

Anything else you need from me please let me know and i'd be happy to provide. Thank you

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