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Joined BF4DB: Mar 5, 2021
Last Online: 3 years ago


BAN APPEAL 3 years ago

Soldier Name: (GeorgiyM_Ru)

Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile: (

Have You Claimed Your Soldier: (yes)

Appeal: Good afternoon! I recently received a ban and was very surprised by it. I would like to say a few words in my defense. I have been playing BF 4 for quite a long time ( more than 5 years ) and I started playing with a very low KD, over time I realized that there was no point in running ahead of everyone and trying to take a point. It is much better to help the team capture or hold the point with the help of equipment and equipment (ucav and mortal). I stopped mindlessly running forward, began to think through my position and possible escape routes, so my cd increased to 3.

49 Protected flags (there were many such reports, but unfortunately I can't open them).

I always keep an eye on the mini-map (the presence of 3 monitors helps a lot). Usually I know when the enemy will come to me if he marks, and if he does not mark and close it can be heard by the sound. It is very rare for an enemy to come unexpectedly.

I have read the weapon statistics and see that it is mostly suspicious to play with a sniper rifle on a "heavy server". On such servers, the main thing is to take a good position and not give yourself away by making a shot when you are sure that it will hit.

Please note that all the rifles that I have suspicious have high accuracy in their basic characteristics, I specifically take such weapons because you need minimal corrections when aiming and the bullet flies almost where you aim (RPK-74M, SVD-12) these are the most accurate weapons in their class.

I was somewhat surprised by my 100% accuracy on the m98b (but this is a very small sample of 7 kills).

Maybe my friends and I killed each other to pump weapons faster (I don't remember when it was, probably a long time ago)

The main idea in my defense, I would conclude in the follower: I stopped running headlong to the points and began to very carefully choose a position with the possibility of retreat this affected all the indicators of my statistics, well, the choice in favor of a more accurate weapon.

I apologize for the translation (I don't know much English ) . Translated via yandex translator.

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