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Joined BF4DB: Mar 30, 2018
Last Online: 6 years ago


Ban Appeal for Removal of Ban 6 years ago

My BF4 Profile:

Ban Reason:

PunkBuster Server: VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #88001: General_McFluff (slot #16) Violation (GAMEHACK) #88001 [6260c1270f87a174c3e6f00cdfb9f308(-)]


I wish I had more to say other than that I did not hack battlefield 4. I have been issued a ban for multihack, and upon looking this meaning up, it seems like a large number of headshots play a role into this type of hack--and this is certainly not me. I am merely a decent player at BF4 and quite a bit better in BF1. I am good at pulling off some quick scopes in CSGO and BF1 but I'm certainly not insanely good. I only have about 50 or so hours on this game. I had just played BF4 a few days ago to play with a friend, and it had been about 6 months since last playing the game. Had a super fun time and got on a small server with just 5 guys on it, and honestly played really well against two of the other players, and felt even with the other opponent player. They called us "hacking republicans" and told us to stop using hacks, once they saw they were getting destroyed. I just took this as the usual complaint for not playing well themselves. I ended up with over a 2.0 kd that round. I may have played one more game server or mode after this, but I believe it was the last one I played before noticing I was getting kicked by punkbuster every server I tried to join. I had reinstalled punkbuster about TEN times trying to get it to work, even installed the game again. After looking up EVERY tutorial I could find to try to fix the punkbuster kicking issue, I found this site said I had a ban for "multihack." As I know anyone could understand, this has been VERY  frustrating for me to try and figure out how to do this. But I know on ya'lls end you have to deal with players all the time who are trying to lie their way out of their own ban. So I appreciate any patience your showing me. PLEASE tell me of any other way I can help appeal to remove my ban. If you can, please help me to understand why this happened in the first place, and if this whole thing has been some sort of server glitch. If this is an issue I have to work out with Punkbuster please let me know too. Thank you.

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