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Joined BF4DB: May 7, 2017
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Rockbeard75 Stats Reset 6 years ago

He's marked clean.  He is not.  Everybody wave buh-bye to his 140 rank.


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FACE3002 7 years ago

This guy doesn't even play anymore, but I was watching a video and noticed him in it doing rage-cheater things and thought "wonder if he's banned".  Well, worse than "not banned", he's listed as "clean"!  GAK!  Can't have that.  I'm find with not listed at all, but somehow that "clean" tag is irksome.  :)

So here's the video I was watching.  I found the FACE3002 section pretty entertaining.

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MacKOG-_-b Punkbuster Global GUID Ban 7 years ago

i reported MacKOG along with the exact Punkbuster ban message he got on my server, and initially he showed up on PBBans list of globally banned players.  "Like one refresh of the pbbans page later, and the ban seems removed"?  I seriously doubt it.  He hasn't played one game since that event.  I don't think Evenbalance just suddenly removed him from the DB after 2 months (though it's not impossible).

Remember, Global GUID bans don't show up in any normal Punkbuster mirror.  PBBans notices when the player tries to play because PB puts out a message (like the one I provided).  I don't know that PBBans are removing old entries from their DB, but just because he's not in PBBans DB doesn't mean he is not banned.  Far as I know the only way to be sure is to contact Evenbalance.

The only reason this even matters is because of the IP-linked replacement he's now playing with, which doesn't (yet) have any bans.

Anybody have Evenbalance contacts?  Or even contacts to ask 'em why he was there and now isn't?  I gave the guy two months without reporting this far and wide to let him appeal out of respect for his years of play.  But his two months is up.  (Which might also be why the PBBans entry disappeared--if they only keep it for two months it would have just expired.)

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