

Forum Rep








Joined BF4DB: Feb 20, 2018
Last Online: 6 years ago


banned 6 years ago

BF4DB Profile:



Damage mod



Hello my name is Samuel and i had recently found out that i have been banned on bf4db and i saw the reason why and i was rubbing my head wondering why

as i play on nothing but hardcore servers as i like the challenge of predicting enermy movements and trying to help team mates like irl firefight i think i was unfairly banned as i was playing by the rules of the game and not using any 3rd party applications i was mostly sitting onto of the building at the objective (B) I was using the RFB with Flir and Heavy barrel and Target Detector and i was using what my friends say is funny mouse as when ever they see it makes the cry in laughter the model of my mouse is a Logitech Ball Mouse so it was easy for me to correct my shots and aim around the chest area and i also use a controller from my xbox 360 from time to time

i think this should be unlifted as i have done nothing wrong all i do is try and have fun playing with friends and strangers.I would be happy to take a game-play video if you need i use geforce experience when i live stream so i will be happy to try and prove my innocents

Additional Information:

I think i have said as much as i can prove in the appeal i will be happy to take pictures of my gaming setup if needed and an i also show you all the files on my hard drives if needed

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