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Joined BF4DB: Mar 12, 2019
Last Online: 3 years ago


BF4DB Ban Appeal 4 years ago

Solder Name: BomberHaris

Link to solder profile:

Have I claimed player?: Yes.

My Claim:

Hello sirs, first can I begin with saying thank you for your dedication to this community without you BF4 would not exist and I couldn't make this appeal.

As you can see it has been over a year since I appealed by ban and was rightfully turned down, and i'd like to suggest im fit for the community again having learned my lesson.

You told me to go away and consider what I had done and why i was banned for it, I have read the rules as yoo said, understood them and I accept what I did was wrong and 'why' it was wrong, it was wrong becuase it was unfair on the other players & detrimental to the playing experience for everyone. As a vet player I should have known better and set a far better example.

It has been a year and I have grown as a person and considered my sins, I am truly sorry and I would beg to ask you to see me fit for the community again, It was my first and only error playing BF and I swear I will be the perfect team mate and carry myself with dignity on every server i join. 

Yours faithfully, 


1 Reply 532 Views

New Account advice 5 years ago

Hey guys, I map glitched and got caught so i'm perma banned, my bad. If I Want to play BF4 again what do I need to do, make new account, buy new game? Maybe I should buy the latest BF instead, would my ban carry to other BF games?

Cheers for any advice.

7 Replies 968 Views

I'm banned and it is unfair 5 years ago

Hi, I appealed my ban and i was told to read the rules, i've read them now what? I cant even start another appeal thread can I, I cant play BF4 now all the servers kick me, so is my game BF4 bust, should i just uninstall?

Can I play any other BF games? This seem so harsh, all I did was jump into the roof, i didnt even kill anyone i just wanted to see, this seems quite draconian to me, I said I was sorry and I won't do it again, im not a hacker, I never broke the game i didnt know It was bannable if i knew that I would not have done it.


  • Glitches considered to be "game breaking" will result in a ban if proven to be used maliciously. This includes, but is not limited to, invisibility. These will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

I was not being malicious and I was not shooting anyone I was only there for half a round, I would like to think I made my original case honestly, I knew it was wrong, but I didnt know it was bannable, i've learned my lesson, I have a spotless record otherwise.

OK, sorry if this is in the wrong forum, I didnt know what else to do, thanks 

3 Replies 768 Views

I'm banned 5 years ago


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