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Joined BF4DB: Dec 27, 2021
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Banned without any evidence 2 years ago

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Banned without any evidence 2 years ago

Banning people without evidence? Seriously? No wonder BF 4 is so dead lately lmao. Unban pls, I dont wanna waste another 8€ for a new account and go extra slow for ya salty boomers next time. It's just not fun if I dont give my best. Maybe you miserable degenerates should learn to comprehend superior muscle memory and reflexes, and not ban everyone for being more skilled than you. There are even videos on youtube about you silly cunts banning innocent players without evidence (Especially that retard Angry_Cuban, (word removed by a moderator) seriously wanted people to recreate their luckiest rounds for ban appeals, absolutely delusional!!!), just for their stats, because you set the standards for ''stat proof'' waaaay lower than EA's anticheat. You mongoloids are literally the definition of ''badmin''. Stop abusing your power you braindead retards, you just kill the game. Some of your admins even ban because of personal and emotional reasons after they get rekt lmao, its pathetic. Just kill yourselves instead killing the game pls. It's funny how multiple people already complained about this on youtube and even showed their gameplay to back up their legitness and still getting their appeal denied. 

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