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Joined BF4DB: Nov 3, 2018
Last Online: 5 years ago


Banned for Linked Account 5 years ago

BF4DB Profile:

Banreason: Linked Account 

Copy / Paste both the banreason and the evidence that has been added by either an administrator or a BF4DB user into the ban appeal thread

If you can show me where to find that, I would love to. I have a recording of a game that got me reported on a server if that helps. 

Appeal: So, this account I have is technically 'linked' to another account that is approximately five years old. When I bought the game when I was 13, I cheated, like an ignorant 13 year old would. Being older now, I understand cheating isn't cool, and have refrained from doing so for years. Now, recently, I was feeling nostalgic and bought a copy of Battlefield IV on my old account. That is why there shows recent activity on that account, but the account was clearly banned five years ago, considering the last game I ever played on that game was five years ago. So, I refunded Battlefield IV from that account and used an alternate account to buy and play Battlefield IV on. Now, a week later, I got reported and was deemed suspicious on a gun master server since I can aim at least somewhat well, leading to people reporting me. I have a recording of that game I can upload at an admin's request. 

Additional Information: Most of the information I have to use is in the appeal. If there's anything else needed, please just tell me. I would like to add that the linked account is linked merely due to similar name, and seems trivial at best to ban me for when the old account is five years old. Adopting the 'once a cheater, always a cheater' mindset also seems presumptuous and inappropriate. 

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