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Joined BF4DB: Sep 8, 2018
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Weird Ban Policy 5 years ago


I am using this side since years and I want to address  an issue that really annoys me.  In my opinion, the ban policy is not rational, when it comes to not headshot only aimbotting.

The problem is the following: If you encounter a cheater which is obviously using an aimbot, you only can get him banned here, if he used a high headshot percentage in his aimbot settings. Otherwise you will have to provide a video here. So, basically it is impossible to ban these kind of cheaters when the server does not allow to spectate (which happens very often).

Let me show you an example:

This dude made the typical european tryhard servers unplayable about 2 months ago. For every good player, it was very obvious, that this guy is cheating. I think, that the stated Battelreports in combination with his stats/profile describtion and sudden skill changes are more than enough to see, that this guy is indeed a cheater. But no, marked as clean. So, what happend to this guy then if he is a "clean" player?

Did he become super good over night? Did he sell his account to a pro player? If you go from a <6% average accuracy to 25%+ AEK accuracy over night, you probably are not legit. If you are a super human and managed to get this good overnight, you probably can also provide a footage of your gameplay, so a "suspect stats" ban would be reasonable.

Okay, so here is a second example, that makes me even sadder:

Especially this very smart comment: "Under no circumstances are body locked aimbots obvious if you only provide battle reports."

Same thing here, obviously cheating but only playing on non spectate server or he stops playing when you start to spectate him (which is an indicator that he uses aimware, since you got a spectator warning there).

I think that it would be better to ban players (suspect stats), if they fullfill the following requirements:

  1. New Account
  2. Giant skill gain in the recent Battleports, starting on a specific point (when they start cheating, you will see it in the BRs). This helps to filter out smurfs.
  3. Untypical accuracies and stats compared to the rest of the profile for at least 5 BRs
  4. Almost only playing on official servers or stopping to play when they get spectated (consistently)
  5. Scoring very good at other cheaters (HvsH)
  6. (Playing with already banned cheaters, see first link)

If you stuck to your ban policy, it will be impossible to play official servers, since the majority already does not use headshot-locked-aimbots.


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