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Joined BF4DB: May 23, 2020
Last Online: 4 years ago


Do Bans Carry To Other Battlefields? 4 years ago

Recently I have started playing Battlefield 4 again due to quarantine and after a few days of playing normally I started to get kicked from every server instantly. I have made a ban appeal detailing my appeal as I was wrongly banned, which can be found here As you can see my appeal was shot down without question. The reason for my ban comes from playing an Operation Locker, conquest large server where it is extremely easy to get tons of kills. I had a couple of games on the server where I got high KPH and, as a reward for playing good, a permanent ban.

Unfortunately, it appears I will not be able to return to playing battlefield 4 on my current origin account. After playing battlefield 4 since the beta it appears it is time for me to buy either battlefield 1 or battlefield 5 and I am curious if this wrongful ban carries over to those games or if I'll need a new origin account since I only use it for battlefield anyways.

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Ban Appeal 4 years ago

Soldier Name: AidanGoBoom

Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

Appeal: I am writing this appeal because I am not sure why I have been banned. I started playing again because I have so much free time now in quarantine, and I have not played for the past ten months because of college. After a couple of days of being able to join and play through entire games, I started instantly being kicked by admins for being banned. This was news to me. After researching and seeing I had to join a game through battlelog to see why I was kicked I found this report,, which contains information about matches I had played around the time I was banned. After reviewing the battle reports for which I had been reported I discovered a single game with any superficially suspicious performance.

This match I had an incredible performance with 99 kills, of which 76 were headshot kills. That is suspicious, but seeing as it was on an Operation Locker only server and that there were plenty of other people in the lobby with similar amounts of kills as I, you can understand that this was an average performance for a decent battlefield player. In fact, I believe that after reviewing the four matches that I was reported for you can see that these are simply pop-off matches and that I was wrongly banned. I attribute my sometimes high headshot ratio to my 2,000 hours in CSGO, where I average 50% headshot kills per competitive match. The following links are those that were included in the report I found

I believe that your review of these matches will show you that I have wrongly been banned aimbot and dmg hacks.

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