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  • deleted_JH6Cj
    Member since June 26, 2019

    I'm not an expert about HC so correct me if i'm wrong but, since you're spectating a guy on blue team and we can see the icons of the enemy the guy's shooting at doesnt that mean they're spotted ?

  • deleted_JH6Cj
    Member since January 08, 2019

    Dude, you're a special kind of annoying. Stop spamming the forums, a moderator already clarified for you the videos you provided. 

    You clearly have some personal issue with this player hence why are you hackusating. 

    Lame af. 

  • deleted_JH6Cj
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Multiple staff have reviewed the video and the video is clean. Maybe you’re the one who doesn’t quite know how to spot it, eh? Stop making posts about this topic as you’ve been told he’s clean. Come up with additional (and credible) evidence otherwise your next bogus report will result in the termination of your account. Not to be a dick but at this point you’re wasting our time when we could be helping others.