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    Member since August 30, 2019

    Hey guys is there any chance to get my name cleared I recently lost a cool admin friend ,that does not believe that I do not use cheats I assume. So I wonder how good friendship that was . But anyways can I claim my account like I have seen on the ban appeals or something could you investigate my stats.

    I am an old dog been playing since bf2 and the current game I play is bf4. 


    Member since October 22, 2017

    Friends are like wives, they can cheat but you can't. PS I've drinking directly from the bottle this afternoon. 

    Member since August 30, 2019

    That has something to it.

    Be easy on the bottle man and  thanks for the post though =)

    Member since May 05, 2017

    You’re not banned by us. 

    Good day.