• xHawkyex
    Member since November 12, 2018

    Hello fellow BF4 players and dear BF4DB admins!

    I writing this to draw your attention to wave of unfair bans that were recently given to CLEAN and known good players especially on TDM servers.

    All bans that i know of were given by BF4DB admins sitting on observer. I have seen alot of "hacking evidence" videos and ALOT of them are 100000% clean. I personally cant find anything suspicious in most of the clips.

    In my opinion, you should recruit people who have a lot of knowledge and skill ( especially skill ) because only very good players can tell if someone is cheating or not.

  • xHawkyex
    Member since June 05, 2017

    can you explain how someone can be "100000% clean" ?


    Who is your friend that got banned ?

    are you talking about  : https://bf4db.com/forum/thread/request-unban-5067

  • xHawkyex
    Member since November 12, 2018

    Veltinz is one of them. I know others who got banned and im 100% sure they are clean. I dont really want to share their nicknames on public.

  • xHawkyex
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 18, 2019


    Veltinz is one of them. I know others who got banned and im 100% sure they are clean. I dont really want to share their nicknames on public.

    ..because then we could check the bans and possibly find out that they are obviously cheating? 

  • xHawkyex
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 18, 2019


    Veltinz is one of them. I know others who got banned and im 100% sure they are clean. I dont really want to share their nicknames on public.

    Also they can try to appeal the ban, if they are able to proof that they are legit, then they will be unbanned.. (like Veltinz did)

  • xHawkyex
    Member since November 12, 2018

    I mean you Guys should ban people if you are 100% sure that they are cheating.

    Example: My friend is very good on Sniper only servers and once he managed to get 78% accuracy just to get insta banned by one of Your admins. He got unbanned later but still... Its flustrating

  • xHawkyex
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 18, 2019


    I mean you Guys should ban people if you are 100% sure that they are cheating.

    Example: My friend is very good on Sniper only servers and once he managed to get 78% accuracy just to get insta banned by one of Your admins. He got unbanned later but still... Its flustrating

    BF4DB STAFF doesnt ban people if they dont have a reasonable doubt about a player being "legit".. and in the end you can still appeal, record a video or bring up other evidence that you are legit.. and after he sucessfully appealed, we also know how capable the player is and s/he wont be banned for similar evidence again, so where is the issue??? 

  • xHawkyex
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We’re human. We make mistakes too. But we will own up to them and make the issue right. There have been a lot of players who have been able to replicate their stats and were unbanned. Doesn’t mean we’re terrible at our jobs, it means we’re continuing to learn. In this instance, however, it seems like OP is one of those looking to make a scene by saying we’ve incorrectly banned a lot of people, but is not willing to name them. Don’t make accusations you can’t back up.