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  • dr_doofenshmirtz
    Member since August 15, 2020

    Soldier Name: Dr_D0ofenshmirtz

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

    Appeal: I bought BF4 a while ago to play it with a friend and I played it some alone since my friend we never able to play it. I didn't play for a while so I deleted it off my PC. Time passes and some more friends of mine are talking about getting the game, so I reinstall the game getting excited I can play with them. I make a squad and my friends join me, so I find a server and join it. I load into the game and all of a sudden my screen went black and I got sent to the main menu screen and a big box saying I've been banned for linked accounts. I read through the ban reasons and I know for a fact that neither of my brothers or my sister has ever played BattleField4, so I'm very upset that I'm not able to play. Never have I hacked or would I hack. I play CSGO and run into hackers all the time and it just makes the game unenjoyable, so I wouldn't ever want to hack cause it ruins the game for the other people playing and it just doesn't sound fun. I've never given my account to anyone or given my account information to anyone, so I have no idea how I could have gotten banned. All I want is to play with my friends :( .

  • dr_doofenshmirtz
    Member since August 14, 2017


    Sorry for the delay. It would seem your account was hacked and used by a known cheater. Could you go to Origin -> EA Account & Billing -> Security and screenshot the information on the right in the area of "Trusted Devices"? 

  • dr_doofenshmirtz
    Member since August 15, 2020

    Alright, I had talked to some people in the discord server about it and the admin that had originally banned me helped me a little bit and had asked me to go to the trusted devices and such and no devices came up previously then. I hope this helps!ea_trusted_devices.PNG

  • dr_doofenshmirtz
    Member since August 14, 2017

    When was the last time you played the game?

  • dr_doofenshmirtz
    Member since August 15, 2020

    The last time I played was 8/15/2020, but besides that, I haven't even had the game installed anytime this year.

  • dr_doofenshmirtz
    Member since August 15, 2020

    Sorry for the late replies too, I'm really grateful for you taking the time to help me!

  • dr_doofenshmirtz
    Member since August 14, 2017

    Hey, sorry for the delay.

    According to our data, your account was accessed and used by a cheater and per our policy regarding inked accounts, the ban will remain, unfortunately. However, we will change the ban reason to "Hacked Account" and we will not link you to this account in the future if you purchase a new copy of the game. You can read more about our linked account and banning policies at

    You have a few options if you wish to continue to play on this account. You can play on Official servers, servers not running the BF4DB plugin, or ask individual server administrators to whitelist your account. Alternatively, you can purchase a new copy of the game.

    If you go down that route, make sure you purchase a copy from a reputable source so you don’t accidentally purchase a stolen account which could lead to other issues. Also, always make sure to use to use Two-Factor Authentication on your account as well as a strong password. 

    If you have any further questions you can always join our Discord server and ask them there at any time.