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  • EscuroLex
    Member since July 11, 2020

    Olá a todos, recentemente voltei a jogar Battlefield 4 por conta da camuflagem DICE (camuflagem preta), peguei ela e entrei em um servidor para jogar, porém apareceu que eu estava banido pelo BF4DB por status suspeito. Não entendi o motivo de tal banimento já que em nenhum momento usei programas de auxilio nesse jogo (já que é um passa tempo e só jogo quando meus amigos me convidam para jogar), olhei na minha battlelog para ver se alguém tinha acessado minha conta sem eu saber, porém as atividades batem com o que eu esperava (nenhuma atividade nos últimos 10 meses), gostaria de saber o motivo e se é possível remover este banimento, pois gosto muito da franquia e não estou entendendo como fui banido sem mesmo jogar.

    ENG (Sorry for mistakes ENGLISH IS NOT MY LANGUAGE)

    Hi everyone, I recently went back to playing Battlefield 4 because of the DICE camouflage (black camouflage), I picked it up and went on a server to play, but it appeared that I was banned by BF4DB for suspicious status. I did not understand the reason for such a ban since at no time did I use assistance programs in this game (since it is a waste of time and I only play when my friends invite me to play), I looked in my battlelog to see if anyone had accessed my account without I know, but the activities match what I expected (no activity in the last 10 months), I would like to know the reason and if it is possible to remove this ban, because I like the franchise a lot and I don't understand how I was banned without even playing.

  • EscuroLex
    Member since July 11, 2020

    Minha Battlelog:

  • EscuroLex
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    It looks like you were banned because of stat padding. What you did in these reports:

    We will unban you. Servers might still ban you because of how ridiculous your stats are. You will need to contact the server owners directly.