Why did I get banished when I entered the server?
But I checked my account number and it's not on the banned list.
And I started the game from the web page and joined the server without this problem.
Without claimed account we can not help you.
Not your mail. Search for your username with the searchbar on the homepage. Click your name in the searchresults. A stats page appears with the blue claim button on it.
I don't want the account number. You forbid it.
Why Forbid My Account
The scavenger fucks your mother.
Scavenger Jesus bless you that you will be shot
Shall we stay on-topic? Currently the first thing I saw was your HS % on the AEK. This is a bit odd. I am looking to find your PB issue, there seems to be nothing logged so you may explain your headshot %.
Must there be a problem with a headburst?
The scavenger then I doubt that you are not your father's son. Does it prove that you are the turtle son born to your mother and others?
Are you smacking your head against your keyboard while having word prediction on?
Welcome to BF4DB Zoo. Here we already have hybrid dog and now a new specie called turtle son.
Nice DMG Mod by the way.