    Member since January 04, 2022

    What changes in policy makes cheaters non cheaters ? there isn't no grey area when peoples games and evening are ruined by people cheating or exploiting.

    Cheat once that's it, done ! regardless of patreon support.

    Member since May 05, 2017

    Please don’t reproduce.

    Member since September 04, 2019


    What changes in policy makes cheaters non cheaters ? there isn't no grey area when peoples games and evening are ruined by people cheating or exploiting.

    Cheat once that's it, done ! regardless of patreon support.

    Mark Filby
    Ah yes, don't worry. We as an anti-cheat service will gladly take on this advice and weaken our policy to allow cheating and make sure to prioritise those who give us the financial incentive to do so!

    Member since January 04, 2022

    Sorry, I may have missed something here, I reported somebody for cheating  as the suspect had a second account banned to which I was told that the original account or linked account had been unbanned due to change in policy.

    So I ask again what changes in policy lead to somebody  that is banned, no longer being a cheater and gets a ban lifted ? That would mean that BF4BD have gotten together and decided that bannable offences are no longer a banning offences.

    I was just interested to learn A. What this player was banned for in the first instance and B. Why the change of heart on the part of the developers to no longer have this particular thing bannable ?

    Member since November 15, 2020


    So I ask again what changes in policy lead to somebody banned, no longer a cheater and gets a ban lifted ?

    Mark Filby
    Does it happen to you to read appeal transcripts?

    Member since February 12, 2019

    This is about our policy from Punkbuster bans.
    You can see more detailed here.

    ''Our linked account policy will remain the same: All accounts linked to bans issued for violations prior to 2/1/18 will be banned according to our banning policy. All accounts linked to bans issued for violations after 2/1/18 will remain unbanned as long as no other proof of cheating is present.''

    Member since January 04, 2022


    This is about our policy from Punkbuster bans.
    You can see more detailed here.

    ''Our linked account policy will remain the same: All accounts linked to bans issued for violations prior to 2/1/18 will be banned according to our banning policy. All accounts linked to bans issued for violations after 2/1/18 will remain unbanned as long as no other proof of cheating is present.''

    effectively trusting past cheats not to cheat again ? I'm not sure I would leave my kids with Rolf Harris even if he'd been found not guilty

    Member since June 21, 2020



    This is about our policy from Punkbuster bans.
    You can see more detailed here.

    ''Our linked account policy will remain the same: All accounts linked to bans issued for violations prior to 2/1/18 will be banned according to our banning policy. All accounts linked to bans issued for violations after 2/1/18 will remain unbanned as long as no other proof of cheating is present.''

    effectively trusting past cheats not to cheat again ? I'm not sure I would leave my kids with Rolf Harris even if he'd been found not guilty

    Mark Filby

    My 2 cents...

    You're not reading it properly. Any player that gets banned for hacking etc, receives a ban. Any alternate account they create also gets banned as a linked account.

    What Frank posted is regarding punkbuster bans. Due to people receiving dodgy global punkbuster bans, BF4DB no longer ban alternate accounts of those players (unless evidence of some other cheating/hacking is evident). There is some speculation out there that punkbuster has detected a game hack after people have installed updates to their nvidia drivers for example. My understanding in this matter is that punkbuster issues a global ban with no corresponding violation number (a global ban) as opposed to a specific violation number (e.g. #60000's = wallhack, #70000's = multihack etc).

    So no, hackers don't get second chances. Those people who can show that they have been given a dodgy punkbuster ban won't have their alternate accounts banned as a linked account as a result of their main account receiving a punkbuster ban.