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  • MattiBoss9999
    Member since October 14, 2017

    I honestly am not sure anymore, at this point i'll let bf4db handle it. If they state that it's possible i'm perfectly ok with it. Whatever happens next i'm sorry If i falsely accused you. (Guess i'm on crack or smth). 

  • MattiBoss9999
    Member since January 10, 2020

    @datlonfreak That's totally fine, to be honest it's something I'm also rather used to and I shouldn't even have bothered mentioning it, it's ultimately completely unrelated, nonetheless I really appreciate your answer :)

    @Neutron Thanks for reviewing it again, while I will probably not play anymore, knowing that I was banned not on individual servers(which is very common for sadly any above average player) but by Plugins/Anticheats felt like a stain attached to my nickname that could be used against me when playing other games competitively(that is also the reason I'm here to defend myself despite being very inactive, as I've always prided myself in being a "clean" player without even a single false positive ever triggered).

    @MattiBoss999 As I said in your stream chat yesterday, no matter the outcome of this, I don't hold any grudge against you for that, it's totally understandable that with the current situation of the game, thoroughness is expected to try to keep the game as clean as possible.

    I would like to point out something that has probably been mentioned already during the review process, at some point in that same video(that is from the same streaming session and possibly the same match), I pick up an MG4, if I was to have no recoil or no spread(or both), I don't think the expected outcome would look like this, as I clearly lost control of the weapon rather quickly, and would have probably made more kills had I simply reloaded my aek twice:

    Another thing I would like to mention is that due to the poor quality of the handcam as well as it's poor angle(I can't say I had ever used a handcam before, it was simply some stream distraction that I wanted to put on to fill empty screen space, had I known at the time about all of this , I would have definitely invested in that cheap £10 webcam arm I had in mind to provide a much clearer top down view), it's actually difficult to see me moving my mouse down, whether I am managing the recoil or simply moving around, it looks most of the time as if I am moving the mouse sideways or barely at all despite having downwards mouvement happening on screen, a few examples of that here: , , . 

    The third clip(when I drop a medkit) is particularly telling as it is probably the only time you can really see me going down at all despite looking down or aiming downwards many other times at other points in the video. If you were to extrapolate the scale of these mouse mouvements to what is needed to control recoil, it makes sense for it to be hard to clearly see much of anything at all, although not impossible as I've already tried to point out in an earlier post with the aek clip.

  • MattiBoss9999
    Retired Staff
    Member since March 27, 2020

    player is clean.