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  • Мгновенный бан после входа на сервер.
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  • vlad
    Member since June 22, 2017

    Когда я зашёл на сервер меня мгновенно забанили. Я с читами не играю. Возможно меня с кем-то перепутали, или на меня была жалоба, я нечего не знаю, если меня по ошибке забанили, снимите бан, если перепутали, то я никогда не играл с читами. Не Я понимаю за что меня забанили.  Я посмотрел на игров в бан листе, некоторых забанили за читы, мультихак и т.д. А у меня просто надпись (Запретили). Я обращаюсь Администрации этого сайта, за что меня забанили. Я прошу объяснения и причину!

  • vlad
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Апелляции проводятся на английском языке. Используйте google translate, если вам это нужно.

    Нам также нужен профиль игрока / баттолог, прежде чем мы сможем принять меры.


    Appeals are done in English. Use google translate if you need that.

    We also need your player name / battelog profile before we can take action.

  • vlad
    Member since June 22, 2017

    When I joined the server I instantly banned. I don't play with cheats. Probably me with someone confused, or had a complaint, I don't know if I mistakenly banned, remove the ban, if confused, I never played with cheats. I don't understand why I was banned. I looked at the game in the ban list, banned some for cheats, multihack, etc. And I just read (Forbidden). I speak of the Administration of this website, for which I was banned. I'm asking for an explanation and reason! My profile: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/user/KoT1kXP/

  • vlad
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Your IP seems to be linked to an account banned for a punkbuster violation.

    You know this account: https://bf4db.com/player/960692842 ?

  • vlad
    Member since June 22, 2017

    Мой ip никак не связан с этим аккаунтом. И как он ваще связан? Как? Логика?

  • vlad
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I took a look into this case and saw that you originate from Russia meanwhile the account you were linked to is/was playing from germany.

    Based on what we have on our hands I will lift your ban as you don't seem to have any connection to that account.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience!

    Appeal approved,

    Ban has been lifted!