his banned IP Battlefield 3 is 90.62.252.xxx and current IP is 90.62.199.xxx
both resolve to
City Location: Lons-le-saunier
Postal: 39000
other not relevant info:
Hi AdminfromHell:
Bf3 Ban: we don't ban for this, we only ban for BF4 related stuff.
The video: Is extremely short, which means it cant be used for a report, also the video shows in slow mode that you get hit multiple times.
The 247report: Everybody could have made this and this seems like a ragereport. I see nothing weird in the report.
Conclusion, no evidence added.
another clip.
To add some explenation to this clip, @ 1:12 i was sitting in the stairs of E supressing his 2 teammates. Thus i doubt his teammates even shot at me. He comes in perfectly bursts me down from banana to E between the stairs. I don't know if you ever tried shooting at stairs but they are bullet sponges.