PBGL [2018.03.26 19:47:47] 0803134ef25b3579bf697cd6b6******** RogerArg19 186.57.219.* BF4 PunkBuster Global GUID Ban
1 result found for BF4 search "rogerarg19"
Status changed from New to Complete you are Globally banned by Even Balance
Hello! Punkbuster expels me. My game is original , without any modification.
I've been playing for a while and you never have this problem on any server. Except for a high ping.
I connect from Buenos Aires Argentina, and my pin round 90 . Average in South America.
I reiterate my game is original and some modification. Installed via origins
I still do not understand why punkbuster not let me play online on any sever.
I speak Spanish, sorry if it sounds bad English.
I am using Google Translate.
I would appreciate solve my state with Punkbuster.
Waiting for a quick solution , greetings to you attentively
Mario Guindi .- nick: rogerarg19
DATA in ea
ID. rogerarg19
email. onemir19gmail.com
Member since 08/29/2011
He came here by indication of EvenBalance
Note #6: This is a kick-ban by the server admin, who is streaming to a third-party ban site.
You will need to contact any third-party ban site directly as we are not affiliated with any of them.
Several large Master Ban Lists are frequently used by server admins. The main ones are:
PPBBans http://www.pbbans.com/
Appeal: http://www.pbbans.com/appeal_ban.php
More MBL:
http://www.anticheatinc.com/ (ACI)
We have no control over EB, as we are a 3rd party AC. Create a ticket on their site: https://evenbalance.com/support.php
Oh, wait I see they say that you do not have any violation or global ban on your GUID. You most likely got banned from a few clanservers. We have no influence on that as you are not banned by us.
Hola rogerarg19,
Yo te puedo ayudar con cualquier problema que tengas. Puedes hablar conmigo en español y yo le traduzco el mensaje a los administradores del sitio.
Tu entiendes el mesaje que EvenBalance te dijo? Al parecer el ban de tu cuenta no tiene nada que ver con Punkbuster o con EvenBalance. Lo que te estan diciendo es que algun administrador te puso un ban manual en tu cuenta en su propio servidor.
Te puedo garantizar que no tienes un ban aqui en BF4DB o en 247Fairplay.com
En que servidor tu juegas normalmente?