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  • dougandbugs
    Member since October 22, 2017

    This is not a report, I am just curious about whether this is something a player can actually get through legitimate means. I'm particularly curious about the HSKR #. I can't find any evidence of boosting, but I also can't find the reports of him actually using this gun, so I'm not sure. 

    Screenshot 765

    Screenshot 763

  • dougandbugs
    Member since May 08, 2017

    On infantry maps like locker and metro those stats would not surprise me. The slightly elevated hs rate would also impact the overall damage. If this happens a lot on normal conquest it could be a reason to dig a bit further. But I don't know the context or other stats of the player. Stats are always judged in the context of the individual player as no one has the same playstyle.

  • dougandbugs
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Closing thread to prevent spam. If you have further questions feel free to sent me a message.