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  • Flux
    Member since May 27, 2017

    I thought this was one was obvious but heres the evidence

    Adkats DPS ban


    Saying he "bought the account online"



    PS: sorry my images destroyed the page

  • Flux
    Member since August 16, 2018

    Just to add, see here clear damage mod stats showing on the player's BF4DB profile:


  • Flux
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    My stats are similarly orange, it doesn't mean I have a damage mod. He could have easily been playing HC.

    We'll have to wait on this one as EA borked all of their reports. They are supposed to be doing "backend maintenance" so hopefully it will fix their fuckup.

  • Flux
    Member since August 16, 2018

    If you're referring to the fact that most battlereports fail to load, it's been like that for ages.

    Pay less attention to my screenshot then, and look at Flux's screenshot of our AdKats database. Multiple weapons flagged with questionable DPS, and he actually triggered a LIVE DPS Ban while in a game.

    AdKats are very confident that their LIVE DPS checker has not and does not ban false positives.


  • Flux
    Member since August 16, 2018

    Also, I'd like to point out that 47 damage per shot is certainly not possible on M16A4 with only 9% HSKR. Not even shooting barrels or firepipes would cause it to go that high after 140 kills.

  • Flux
    Member since May 27, 2017

    Yes, I'm sure playing hardcore explains the DPS ban on our server.

    I guess this guy is screwed anyway, since he is going to get banned from every AdKats enabled server.

    Do you need to me to get you a written confession signed in blood?

  • Flux
    Member since August 16, 2018

    Angry_Cuban13, yes you have orange damage stats on ARs like AEK and Bulldog, but you also have nearly 20% HSKR on both of those. 


  • Flux
    Member since August 16, 2018

    Gonna make one final post to break down the DPS automatic ban for you, I have no further evidence and don't believe anymore should be required. Keep in mind, the DPS Live checker of adkats is aware of Hardcore server configuration and includes variations in its calculations to account for this. It also checks individual round reports of players to calculate their hits per kill and determine whether or not it is possible - "The LIVE mods for this section enable it to detect damage mods from round to round, regardless of overall stats."

    AdKats DPS Live ban codes explained:


    Hitman's DPS ban code:

    DPS Automatic Ban [4-M16A4-47-137-12-289]

    Kills: 137
    Headshots: 12
    Hits: 289

    Hits per kill: 2.10

    AR Headshot Multiplier = 2.13

    If he had 0 headshots, this would add roughly 12-14 hits to his total hit count to achieve the same amount of kills. This would result in a hits per kill of: 2.19

    This is not obtainable on normal servers no matter how you spin it, especially considering this DPS ban is only taking into account his M16A4 Kills. Barrel/Firepipe kills do not add to your weapon count, as they log as "Killed", or if you were to refer to Procon/Battlelog codes, it would be referred to as "Death". (This is literally the battlelog 'weapon' code for killing someone using the environment).


  • Flux
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We have to find out exactly how he managed to increase the damage on those guns. He could have also boosted in a hardcore server which resulted in the high damage values. Some wild stats come out of boosting so before we go banning a player for some high values we need to be sure they attained them through methods that can only be illegitimate.

  • Flux
    Member since August 16, 2018

    I feel like my points about the AdKats DPS checker and how hardcore servers are taken into account, are being ignored...

  • Flux
    Member since May 08, 2017


    I feel like my points about the AdKats DPS checker and how hardcore servers are taken into account, are being ignored...


    They are not. We are aware of what you are telling. What burt said, we need to find out what caused these damage stats in the first place, as there are quite a few ways to boost it.

  • Flux
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I know how DPS automatic bans work. I've been doing this for a while. Sometimes DPS bans are false positives.

    I'm not going to make a decision based on one screenshot without looking at the whole picture.

    I'd like to look at his player history before I make a decision.

    The battle reports not loading is not actually a while, it only started happening in December. EA is supposed to be doing maintenance and hopefully they'll fix their shit.

  • Flux
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017


    I feel like my points about the AdKats DPS checker and how hardcore servers are taken into account, are being ignored...

    Your points arent being ignored but you haven't considered or seen how damage can be increased in a controlled or boosting environment which is what we have to check for. Maybe he does some of the damage with a pistol first and then gets a final kill with the assault rifle. His hit to kill rate with that gun will increase. Maybe hes running incendiary grenades and m320 and he never fires shots at a full health target. We understand what we are looking for and we have seen way more cases of odd stats than you realize. 

  • Flux
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Ill also point out that if an admin rotates the map during a live round, the kills will sometimes transfer to the next round. The hit count does not. Ive seen legitimate rounds where a player had 50+ kills and 10 hits. If he ended up in a server that kept rotating maps before the end of round then that would also have affected his hit/kill rate

  • Flux
    Member since August 16, 2018


    I know how DPS automatic bans work. I've been doing this for a while. Sometimes DPS bans are false positives.


    We've been cheater checking as admins of very popular servers for longer than you've been doing this, lets not fling shit about how big our dicks are. Show me an example of an AdKats automatic DPS ban that was a false positive, including the DPS live ban code please, then I'll drop my AdKats DPS point.

    Does anyone at BF4DB have contact with admins of Arp Platoon Servers? Such as Sgt_Malle or Roscam? The original DPS ban for this guy occurred on their server. Up until we had a falling out with ARP in recent months, we shared a ban system with them for 2 years, which took all AdKats autoadmin bans (DPS/HSK/KPM) from each participants AdKats database and injected them into all other participants databases. That was how Hitman originally came to be banned on our server. 

    I know that Malle used to talk to BF4DB admins a lot, so he could perhaps provide more info on how the DPS ban occurred should you need it.