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    Member since April 04, 2019

    Hours when luck was in my favor during this video I sent to you, follows a species of Highlights.
    So I got some headshots.

    40:00 to 40:20

    It was not a good match, due to the lack of luck and poor performance of my pc, but I think you can see that with luck it is possible to do what I did.

    Member since August 31, 2017

    Hello everyone, good afternoon!
    I got a video card on loan last night, you could record it here! But the rest of my computer is limited, very weak, the game got weird, and with that they ended up losing performance, I had this score of 57/61 I hit several headshots, I hope the same one, since I return a video card, and my processor is overheating now. Good afternoon, I hope you help me! hug



    and yes man, I'm hardly going to hit so many headshots again, it was lucky, those OP LOCKER runners are hell on earth, thank you guys, sorry for my bad english, google translate helping me

    To tentando te ajudar, não é uma questão de sorte, para ter tiro na cabeça, você tem que mirar na cabeça.

    Não sei se você entendeu o que eles estão pedindo, mas o que você esta postando não vai ser levado em conta.

    Como eu já disse no discord, você tem que fazer um video com alta porcentagem de tiros na cabeça, nos videos que você mandou, você nem esta tentando da tiro na cabeça, jogando com XM25?  você tem que focar o jogo com a sua arma principal e mirar na cabeça, como eu disse, não é questão de sorte, para ter tiro na cabeca, você tem que mirar na cabeca, esse video ae que voce mandou, voce teve 57 kills, bastante, mas apenas 6 tiros na cabeca.

    Não é sorte, tem que mirar na cabeça, se você não conseguir por volta de 40% de tiro na cabeça, você muito provavelmente vai continuar banido.

    exemplo 1:
    total: 59 kills e 39 headshots
    exemplo 2:
    155 kills - 71 headshot


    I'm trying to help you, it's not a matter of luck, to get a headshot, you need to go for the head. 

    I'm not sure if you understood what they are asking, but what you are posting will not get your ban lifted. 

    Like I told you on discod, you have to make a video with high headshot %, the videos that you sent, you are not even trying to get a headshot, playing with XM25? You must play with your main weapon, like I said, it's not matter of luck, to get a headshot, you need to go for the head, you had 57 kills, but only 6 headshots.

    It's not luck, you must aim for the head, if you can't put around 40% headshot, you probably gonna stay banned.

    Member since April 04, 2019

    But what can I do if they came in with my head in front of me when I was firing guy?
    it's lucky, I sent a video of an hour, it was more than 6 HS.
    I have no video card to try and record the perfect match, if the log is there for that, what proof do you have that I was with some type of hack to ban me?
    I did nothing!!! and time I have not enough to try to stage what would be for fun, said well ... try, because that was lucky!
    It's a matter of luck, yes! I'm bad at all.


    Mas o que eu posso fazer se entraram com a cabeça na minha frente quando eu estava disparando cara?
    é sorte, eu mandei um vídeo de uma hora, foram mais de 6 HS.
    Eu não tenho placa de vídeo pra ficar tentando gravar a partida perfeita, se o log ta aí é pra isso, qual prova vocês tem que eu estava com algum tipo de hack para me banir?
    Eu não fiz nada!!! e tempo não tenho de sobra pra tentar encenar o que seria pra diversão,  disse bem... tentar, porque isso foi sorte!
    é questão de sorte sim! afinal eu sou ruim.

    Member since August 31, 2017

    Well, then you can use your mobile to record your monitor, though I saw that you had 60fps(locked), that is good enough to play.

    Member since April 04, 2019

    this video with 60 fps was with a video card loaned, it was already returned, it was for a short time, with my configuration I can only record that video you saw on Youtube, thank you for the help, I will try to do anyway some feat, take my day off trying to prove to you that I've NEVER used any kind of cheating
    Member since March 24, 2019

    Why do you need a special video card? I mean if your game card is good enough to play the game u can stream record it. TRY OBS labs  or streamlabs obs

    they are free.

    Member since April 04, 2019

    Edited because they would not let me make an answer!
    They refused my appeal, and they did not comply with the 48 hours that were said, they accused me unfairly of using a fucking trick, but I never used those shit, who ends up being harmed, it's us who paid the game, paid the premium, in to buy vip slot on server, to start with this antics!
    I've never, never used that kind of crap.
    Actually, you guys did an unbelievable trick, I was in contact with Crinsom, I talked to him via discord today, he found my statistics crazy, but he understood, where I had this high percentage, it was because of high ping, and ONLY .
    Now, I'm going to be content to play my Bf1 and let BF4 die for me, since this country shit does not have a good server, do not have that fucking plugin !!
    I hope they never go through what I went through, that you spend money on a game and not be able to play it.

    Tks for nothing.


    my old G2020 processor does not seem to take the game without a video card, when I record or stream, the frame rate drops absurdly, but I'll try, I already talked to my friend, he'll leave me the video card of that one week and I'll do my best.
    in Brazil everything in computer parts is very expensive, but I intend to record with the plate of my friend. and it will work, this match I sent for 1 hour was not my best match, and I had to return his video card.


    Member since October 30, 2017

    Getting some solid rounds with more than 60% HSKR & 14% Accuracy & 2 ~ 4 K/D Ratio and KPM using some of the guns with rather high recoil.

    Failing to replicate the performance on camera. Video provided showed 1.32 KPM. 0.93 K/D Ratio, 11% HSKR and 9% Accuracy.

    Enough is enough. Why bother continuing this case?