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  • MrDragonsEye
    Member since July 11, 2017


    Can I firstly thank you for this plugin!
    Official BF4 Server Admins such as myself have previously had no way of banning and moderating the server against cheaters and this plugin pretty much solves that.

    Can you just confirm how this works on the server? I've read that if it's an official server such as ours, it won't ban or kick the user (because it can't), it will just kill them every time they spawn, meaning that they should hopefully give up and leave. Is this correct? I thought you couldn't issue the !kill command on Official servers?

    I also noticed a mistake in the Plugin Settings where it lists "Enable Announcements -" twice when the option should be "Whitelist".
    This error can be seen on both the page and the Details tab of the plugin. 

    And is is possible to show our Clan server on the page? I have already claimed our server and then run your Procon plugin but it isn't showing up. Our server is and has been claimed and API key used to link to the plugin.

    Your support and answers to any of these 3 queries would be much appreciated.


  • MrDragonsEye
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Thanks for the kind words!

    At the moment, the plugin keeps switching the banned player every time he spawns on official servers. This might change in future updates.

    The server list is currently not enabled because the servers in the list are often targeted by people trying to crash servers with an exploit going arround. This crashing issue will be solved soon.

    I will ask another staffmember about the whitelist option.

  • MrDragonsEye
    Member since July 11, 2017


    At the moment, the plugin keeps switching the banned player every time he spawns on official servers. This might change in future updates.


    Ah, I see. And the force team switch of the player kills them?
    What if the other side is full? Or the player can't be !fmoved because the teams would become too unbalanced?


    The server list is currently not enabled, it will be back soon :)


    Thanks for the confirmation. I assume once enabled again, our server will just show up automatically?

  • MrDragonsEye
    Member since May 08, 2017

    The teamswitching is indeed limited, because of the available amount of server slots. But it is better then nothing. The new plugin will work differently from the current system.

    Yes, once the list is enabled, your server will be shown in the list :)

  • MrDragonsEye
    Member since July 11, 2017


    The teamswitching is indeed limited, because of the available amount of server slots. But it is better then nothing. The new plugin will work differently from the current system.


    Fair enough. I assume if both teams are full and the cheater can't be switched, when someone from the other team disconnects, it will then try to switch them?
    Some people usually leave the server anyway if a cheater is found so let's hope that scenario doesn't happen.

    However if the cheater goes on a long kill streak without dying, will they ever be switched?
    Is the switching only upon spawn of the user? Or will it constantly try to switch them even after they've spawned?

    Apologies for all the questions, just curious how it all works :) Hope you don't mind.

  • MrDragonsEye
    Member since May 08, 2017

    No problem! Gonna ask a fellow staffmember to verify some things to be sure I am not misinforming you :)

    Asked. Current system is as follows: Player spawns in a server with a few open slots --> will be switched over and over again.

    Player spawns in full server: no switching. When people leave, player needs to die before he can respawn and get switched.

    Ofcourse the plugin on ranked does not have this limitation.

  • MrDragonsEye
    Member since July 11, 2017

    I understand now. Thank you for finding all that out for me. Really appreciated :)

  • MrDragonsEye
    Member since May 08, 2017

    No problem! 

    PS. Send you a PM for if you have any more questions.