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  • ascendaNt
    Member since August 26, 2017

    Soldier name: ascendaNt88
    BF4DB Profile
    I have claimed my soldier.


    Hello there.

    I just came back to the game after almost 2 years, and I'd like to appeal my ban if that's possible.
    I read that I shouldn't submit a second appeal, especially if the first was denied, but considering it's a year and a half old I'd really appreciate it if you could make an exception. Maybe the punkbuster violations 02/01/2018 agreement thing affects that?
    In August 2017, I was banned for aimbot, and yes it was justified. This is the old appeal.
    These links show 6 games I played with aimbot, dating back to 2015 or 2016.
    The thing is, I haven't cheated since then. And I definitely won't again, obviously. I was wondering if you guys could lift this ban.

    Edit: The negotiations were short.

  • ascendaNt
    Member since May 05, 2017

    No you may not. 
