• eurekarem
    Member since April 02, 2018

    BF4DB Profile:  http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/user/eurekarem/

    Ban reason:  Reason: Multihack  -  (no evidence.)

    Appeal:  Hello, I am 51 years old and I play with my 2 sons, I started getting kicked from servers after I purchased China Rising and downloaded a few of the free expansion packs.  I can assure you I have no idea how to hack/cheat, my sons do not do it either, I bought the game to have fun with them, and now I cannot play at all!!  

    Can you please help, I don't understand why this is happening...

    Thank you!! 


  • eurekarem
    Member since May 08, 2017

    You got banned for a Punkbuster violation. Create a support ticket at Evenbalance: https://www.evenbalance.com/support.php

    Be sure to add the full banreason to the ticket:

    PunkBuster Server: VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) #71554: eurekarem (slot #13) Violation (MULTIHACK) #71554 [41b968b728432b6a9e0f18086e6592b8(-)]

    If EvenBalance admits that the violation is a mistake, we will remove the ban.

    For now:


  • eurekarem
    Member since April 02, 2018

    I have made several reports to Evenbalance for the last week and no one contacts me!!


  • eurekarem
    Member since May 08, 2017

    It can take up to two weeks for them to respond. If no reply after those two weeks, you can pretty much consider it denied.

  • eurekarem
    Member since April 02, 2018

    That's just great... anyone can plainly see by my stats alone that I am not cheating... I am a noob and it's obvious...

  • eurekarem
    Member since May 08, 2017

    A Punkbuster violation does not depend on statistics. It depends on blacklisted software being detected by EvenBalance.

  • eurekarem
    Member since April 02, 2018

    I bought BF4 from Origin...

  • eurekarem
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Does not matter. Please send me the EvenBalance ticket link so I can verify if you created it the right way.
  • eurekarem
    Member since April 02, 2018

    Ok, 1 moment...
  • eurekarem
    Member since May 08, 2017

    I set your post to admin view, as your access key for your case is in it. Do you have the EvenBalance ticket link too?

  • eurekarem
    Member since April 02, 2018

    How do I set post to admin view?

    I am looking for the email for the ticket links...

  • eurekarem
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Sorry, typo. I set it to admin view.

  • eurekarem
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Just stop doing that, not gonna work. Only one ticket will be handled.

  • eurekarem
    Member since April 02, 2018

    Well, I don't understand why... I absolutely did NOT cheat in any way, shape or form...

  • eurekarem
    Member since April 02, 2018

    I suppose I have to buy the game all over again and make a new Origin account??