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  • deleted_2n4vM
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    You were banned due to a suspiciously high HSKR on the Groza-4.

    You have 72 hours to replicate your statistics. You must record an entire round from loading screen until end scoreboard using the Groza-4. Resolution must be at least 720p with 60fps preferred. This must be uploaded to YouTube and a link to the video and the corresponding battle report posted here by the end of your 72 hour window.

    Your ban has been lifted for the 72 hours to allow this task to be completed. Again, the stats for your round must be similar to those found on your account. Failure to complete this will result in your appeal being denied. You have until 0230GMT on Saturday to complete your task.

  • deleted_2n4vM
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We are a third-party service that individual server owners choose to use. We are not affiliated with EA nor do we have any control over who uses our service. We are lucky that so many server owners and admins choose to use our service.

    That being said, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt in allowing you to record a video of your gameplay. As a “adult man”, you’re more than capable of looking up how to online. Clearly you must be home because you wish to play but cannot. There are many free pieces of software that can help you record your gameplay.

    If you elect not to record your gameplay, that is your prerogative. However, your appeal will therefore be denied as we have put forth a reasonable request for you to verify your legitimate gameplay, which should be no issue if you are legitimate as you say you are.

  • deleted_2n4vM
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    The only thing deemed to be “personal information” would be your email address. We also have your IP address, which is retained for operational security, and would not be removed under a GDPR removal request. Your username and email can be removed if requested. Your player information is streamed from EA, so we cannot remove that data.

  • deleted_2n4vM
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017


    To come back to privacy. You say in Discord that "The Europeans think you don't have to remove this".

    This is REQUIRED by law.

    Please don’t misquote me. I said “ We comply with requests to remove accounts even though we don’t have to.“ You should go read up on those laws, then. We are not based or have an office in the EU, not do we sell or ship products or services to the EU. We do not need to comply with GDPR, however we do upon request, as I’ve also said. We remove usernames and emails upon request. IP’s are retained for security reasons and are therefore exempt. Player profiles are streamed by EA and not controlled by us. Now if you’re done trying to show off, I believe you have a round to record.

    I’ve told you what we’re looking for. Similar statistics to those found in the battle report that you were reported for.

  • deleted_2n4vM
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Actually, no you haven’t. Until your last post, you have not asked for your data to be removed. Your profile will be removed shortly, you will simply need to log out and the account will be removed.

    Your player profile will not be removed, your IP will not be removed, and the Tweet will not be removed.

    I’ll mark your appeal as denied then, since you don’t want to do as asked. Have a good day!

  • deleted_2n4vM
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Also your friend has admitted to cheating and said you were too so good luck on the legal front, bud.

  • deleted_2n4vM
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Ok bud