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  • Farm3rTed
    Member since September 03, 2019

    TheNotoriousDoge I believe was the person who took the time to review my ban. I wanted to talk to him in person if possible but I am not sure on how to do so. My ban appeal was denied because of aimbot. Their was a video with it but I didn't take the time to watch all 12 minutes because I was already in shock that this was actually the reason why. 

    I have never used a cheat or hack in my life and never plan on it. Even if I wanted to I wouldn't know how to download or apply the damn thing! This is irritating to me because I thought I was banned because of not having punkbuster? Turns out I actually was accused of cheating which is crazy. I apologize if I come off rude in this but I am a bit irritated that I am falsely accused of something. I am a college student in Wisconsin trying to earn my marketing degree, I don't have time to cheat on a video game that is years old when I could be chasing girls around campus. I don't know what was considered aimbot even, I didn't watch the whole video like I said. Before I quit the game and went off to college I was becoming quite okay at the game and to see me going 40 some and 20 some seems about right? Otherwise maybe my account was being used by someone else but that doesn't make sense.  

    I'd love to speak with you TheNotoriousDoge to discuss my ban further if possible? I don't know how to prove to you how I didn't cheat but I am willing to cooperate to fix this because it's quiet annoying. On the contrary I am happy they are so serious about this because it does keep the servers clean so I guess you give and take. Anyways, if you could help me any admin moving forward with this that be great? 

    Thanks for the help, Bailey 

  • Farm3rTed
    Member since September 03, 2019

    Also TheNotoriousDoge if that video date is correct, 2019 08/02 that was not me? Like I said I haven't actually played in years on my account. Even if I did I couldn't rack up those 40 some kills right now and lead the scoreboard. Maybe my account was hacked? Never had this happen to me so I am a bit confused. 

  • Farm3rTed
    Member since September 03, 2019

    TheNotoriousDoge I just read the terms for the thread of if you think your account was hacked which now that I am actually really looking at this yes I believe mine was. I understand in the thread there is nothing I can do about this but Is their anyway I could speak with you guys and figure this out so I can play again? Im going to try and switch my information around so this person cannot log in again. Sorry for all the bs text above and not noticing right away the true issue. Like I said, i've been gone from this game for some time now and hadn't even the slightest idea I had been hacked. Real eye opener for me honestly. 

  • Farm3rTed
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    If your account was hacked, there’s nothing we can do for you. Your account was used to cheat, and you’ve been banned. Your account is your responsibility.

    On a side and irrelevant note, being a college student I think it’s a bit hard to believe you don’t even know what an aimbot is. But again, that’s irrelevant.

    If you want to play you’ll need to play on an Official server, a server not running our plugin, plead your case to individual admins and see if they’ll whitelist you, or take a chance and buy a new account (not a third party one, but an actual new account).

    Appeal denied.