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  • Andre
    Member since March 12, 2021

    Ban Appeal N0obPl4yerxD

    Soldier Name: N0obPl4yerxD

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes


    Hello my Friends :D
    I have a question to you: Why can´t I play on Battlefield Servers anymore? The Console say, that I get bannend from BF4DB because "Linked Account".  I don´t knwo what that´s mean, so I write this Appeal.

    About me in BF4:
    I´m an Lvl 25 Medic-Soldier. My Friend told me, that I just must have played BF4 one Time in my life. 
    This is over two years ago. I saved money for a new computer, because my old computer doesn´t work fine.
    After that two Years I finally had enough money to buy a used gaming PC, so I did it.
    I  boought Battlefield 4 from a few days to about a week ago and was looking forward to the game.First I played the Story to know about Battlefiel 4 Controlls and the Feel. After 3 Days I finished the Story and started playing online. At the beginning it was quiet difficult for me, but the longer I played, the better I got. I made it to Rank 24 until I was banned from BF4DB with the Reason "Linked Account". Could it be because I´ve played over a VPN every now and then?

    Before asking: 
    I have to work with a VPN every now and then because I´ve had problems with the Internet since I got the new Computer.

    If you want more Informations about me or something, pls write me. I´ll give you all the Information I have, to show that I get innocently bannend.

    Can you please help me? I don´t want my Battlefield career to end this early.

    MFG ~Andre

  • Andre
    Member since May 05, 2017

    You're banned because you cheated on your other account and then created this account. The link to the other account is valid and the ban will remain since we ban cheaters and just just the account that was used to cheat with.