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  • pr0demons1ayer
    Member since August 30, 2020

    Soldier Name: pr0demonslayer
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes

    *edit* at the bottom of this post i have made a very brief description of each timestamp they have claimed

    A user has claimed this video as proof i am cheating with a supposed "aimbot":

    I don't think this is even close to proof, it sometimes seems a little suspicious but never conclusive, also this is very easily explained, spectator mode doesn't always show the exact same thing the player sees, for example depending on graphics settings i can see through smokes more clearly. And for the 1 kill through the smoke with a small burst at 1:02 while looks completely like hacks in the video, for me i could see the other persons laser sight pointed in my face so i could see exactly where they were in that smoke, also this thread shows ( how the PKP pecheng which is the weapon in question sometimes shows different recoil animations to spectator leading to the weird jittery aim, for me the aim doesn't appear jittery it is butter smooth not choppy, also the bigger flick mentioned at 3:35 in the video is easily explained: what happened is that the enemy revived that person on the floor and i heard the very loud defib sound that we all know, but in spectator mode for some reason that sound didn't even make a small noise, we all know that noise is very loud, (lets for 1 second assume i had aimbot) the snap occurred so late because like i said the enemy literally spawned right then from a defib, but again spectator cam didnt show the defib audio queue, while this doesn't prove i don't have aimbot this proves that a sound which was heard in my gameplay was not conveyed in spectator mode. I can only say that i am very good with a select few weapons namely ACW-R and the PKP which is why they are basically the only weapons i use.

    I have good reflexes and have good aim, also this performance is rarely repeatable outside of the map operation locker. But on operation locker my success with the PKP is repeatable (although this particular game was one of the better games) due to people being in very very predictable spaces and in high density, so even outside of this 2 minute clip i get countless kills just pointing in a straight line aiming down one of the corridors at C flag through smokes where people would claim i'm cheating for getting them through smokes even though a burn a whole magazine shooting through smoke to get like 3 kills and since it is on the support class i get ammo pouches so ammo isn't a problem.

    I understand why from this video you would think it is suspicious but I think it was a poor spectator/player view and audio discrepancy that can explain most of these suspicious acts.

    I thank you for your time and hope you investigate this further, hopefully leading to the removal of my ban.


    p.s. summary of each claimed hack timestamp:

    00:45 - i no scoped the MCOM to make sure nobody was in the smoke right in front of it so that i myself could arm it.

    1:05 - the visual spectator/player discrepancy where i could see their laser sight so i knew where to aim but spectator cam didnt show even a slight laser pointer

    3:15 - due to the low resolution of the video this looks suspicious but if you watch the video at the slowest speed on youtube (i watched it at x0.25) you can see an enemy jump out of the smoke right in front of my teammate and you also see a muzzle flash, in game i also heard this round firing and flicked towards it, and if you again watch in slo-mo you see my flick isnt even perfect i overshoot massively and never even hit the guy, the teammate gets him instead, this defo isnt aimbot since the flick is way ahead of him, and i have never seen any aimbot that performs trajectory calculations to aim in front of the target, they always snap directly on them, so this clip actually can be used to prove im not aimbotting but only noticeable in slo-mo

    3:35 is the audio spectator/player discrepancy where i heard the defib noise and flicked onto the ground roughly where i heard it and again if you watch in slo-mo not only do i flick to them i also start walking backwards immediately this is because in my head my actions are my own so i move in sync with me looking down, if it was aimbot i would carry on walking forward because the aimbot reacts without my brain thinking and it would take me a second or two to process what the iambot is doing (i hope that made sense)

    4:55 - there is nothing here but good aim, he was close to the scope and had enough time to be in my sight for me to start tracking him, also it is shown in the clip but just to clarify i knew he was there because i just ran from there thinking it was clear and he shot me in the back with 1 or 2 shots.

    *edit* I also realised they used this battlereport: This report shows in that game that they filmed my accuracy is 14% thats really not overly suspicious

    Thanks agains :)

  • pr0demons1ayer
    Member since August 30, 2020

    Hello? I've seen newer ban appeals being replied to, just checking you havent forgotten about this one


  • pr0demons1ayer
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We are trying to work on the older appeals. Some require more investigation than others which is why you see "newer appeals" getting dealt with faster. Sorry for the delay.

  • pr0demons1ayer
    Member since August 30, 2020

    Ok thanks for the update no worries

  • pr0demons1ayer
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I have reviewed your video.

    The proof is blatant.

    Appeal Denied.