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  • Jahcoin_smuggler
    Member since November 24, 2019

    Soldier Name: Jahcoin_smuggler

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes

    Appeal: I have been banned from all VQ37 servers for the reason "DISRUPTIVE PLAY OR CHAT." I tried to go to their website to appeal the ban and created an account for them. The account was verified but after that, my IP was banned from their website. I then went to their discord and when I revealed my soldier name they said that I have been banned on October 14th for "Disruptive chat." before banning me from the discord server. The problem with this is that I wasn't even on Battlefield 4 that day. So now I'm here. 
    I'm never toxic on a regular basis. The worst thing I have said on one of their servers was "fucking stinger pussy" after my A-10 was shot down by a rank 18 using a stinger, and that happened over 6 months ago. Other than that one time I think people who complain about other player's choice of weapons, attachments, gadgets, etc are obnoxious and shouldn't be playing a game like this. 
    Was I banned from something toxic I supposedly did earlier? Did someone use my IP? I want to know what happened to get banned. 

  • Jahcoin_smuggler
    Member since August 14, 2017

    You are not banned on BF4DB. You should address this problem to the owners of the server you got banned from. We can't help you.